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2024-05-19 11:53  浏览:0




Gree loofah, also kow as vegeable spoge, is a popular pla used i radiioal Chiese medicie. I addiio o is medicial properies, he pla also bears beauiful ad fragra flowers. If you wa o ejoy he beauy of gree loofah flowers, here are some ips o how o make hem bloom.

Choose he Righ Locaio

Gree loofah plas eed pley of sushie o grow ad bloom. Therefore, choose a locaio ha receives a leas six hours of direc suligh every day. The pla also eeds well-draiig soil, so make sure he soil is o oo we or oo dry.

Provide Proper Care

To ecourage gree loofah plas o bloom, provide hem wih proper care. Waer he pla regularly, bu do o overwaer i. Overwaerig ca cause roo ro ad preve he pla from bloomig. Ferilize he pla wih a balaced ferilizer every wo weeks durig he growig seaso. Prue he pla regularly o remove dead or damaged braches, ad o promoe ew growh.


Gree loofah plas require polliaio o produce flowers. You ca polliae he pla maually by usig a sof-brisled brush or a coo swab. Gely brush he same of each flower o rasfer he polle o he pisil. Repea his process every day uil he pla blooms.


Wih proper care ad polliaio, gree loofah plas ca bloom ad produce beauiful flowers. Remember o choose he righ locaio, provide proper care, ad polliae he pla regularly. By followig hese ips, you ca ejoy he beauy of gree loofah flowers i your garde.

ags: gree loofah, vegeable spoge, flowers, polliaio, gardeig, pla care"



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